Friday, 23 September 2011

Jacob Twilight vs Nathan Abduction

I can't wait to watch Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1, and so are u! Itu penangan after watching Jacob (Taylor Lautner) in Abduction. Hoho! I just watched it in GSC One Utama, special screening. My colleague won a contest from Galaxy's magazine online (hahaha, xnak mengaku still beli galaxy la tu).. Haha.. Takut kena bahan. If I'm not mistaken the last time I bought Galaxy was during my Uni time. Hehehe.... By the way, we really thank him so much for the tickets... Dapat ticket free pun still nak bahan orang.. Alahaaiiii... Hehe.. Notyyy!

To me it was a good thriller movie, to cut it short, it was about a teenager that found his entire life was a lie. I rated it 3.5 out of 5. Thrill... Go watch it! Watch hot Taylor Lautner.

***from time to time during the movie I was imagining Taylor Lautner jadi wolf... Haha..

***Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 will be released in November! I pray hard my colleague will win another contest for the special screening! High hopes! Hehe.

The special ticket! =)

Jom mimpi Taylor Lautner!


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Thursday, 15 September 2011

Thing I've to surrender.....

office senyap je. mana semua org finance nihh. gue pun terus cargassss.....

"frust. frust. frust. masih blom di kategorikan sebagai frust sbb x confirm lg. it's all depends on me. there's still time to think, evaluate and decide. what's the rush?... yeaa the time is ticking but u may manage ur time. alkisahnyaa, I've been counting down for 10km marathon. Siemens Run 2011, 25 September 2011. at the same time excited for FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) in Taiwan on 26 to 30 September 2011. hoho, teruja!

think.think. what happen. this morning dapat email, we are going to depart from KLIA on 25 September. DANG!! not only that, our flight is at 2pm! DANG! how how how.

think. think. think. SAH! x sempat! bayangkan di hari kejadian 5.45am most probably mimi (my running partner) will fetch me at home, and run start at 7am at Dataran Merdeka. Max time i will take 2hrs to finish 10km. dah pukul 9 pagi.. tu kalau sihat.. buatnya terseliuh ka pengsan ke (nauzubillah, mintak dijauhkan). mcm sempat kannn.... berangan! sempat apaaaa.... naik ERL 35mins je and boleh check in siap2 kat KL Sentral.. possible ke? hahaha. dush dush. terlupa international flight kena check in 2hrs before. ada yang bermarathon kt airport nanti nak kejar flight. so setelah di congak2, i surrender my run. SADISSSSS.... terpaksa sangat. tapi kalau flight tetiba delay.... uwaaaaa.. "

office kembali bising, zura pot pet pot pet dah abis meeting. hahahahahaha

Siemens 10km route that im gonna miss! 

Mimi, sorry cant run with u this time! sad! or maybe God have plan for me or you and your new running partner. heeeeee.  

separa frust,


Monday, 12 September 2011

The Biggest Loser

I'm still in raya mood and I bet most of us feel the same. Of course! because we still have another 2 weeks to celebrate! Raya kan sebulann! Hehe. And sebab raya we eat non-stop. Sebab open houses back to back bloom campur weddings. Haha... I seriously loves eating, but who doesn't? Sigh.

Makan banyak sangat until terlupa biggest loser contest in office. Ptg td Ada weighing session, ohh noo lupa pulak kali ke berapa, if x mistaken the 8th times. Kali ke 8 since it was started and kali pertama since lepas raya. And my weight is (drumrollllllll) jeng jeng jeng... I think I shall keep it to myself.hehe.

Most of contestant yg timbang ptg td tensi sbb berat masing-masing naik. Giler x naik. Kan raya.haha. Paling banyak naik since last timbang is syazwan.. Haha. 4kg tu naik sebab raya. Kahkahkah.

The rest of contestants naik jugak, tapi slight increase only. Sebab depa cakap dah sempat reduce balik by puasa 6! Good job guys!

Gue? Hehe. Turun babe! Even x banyak, but achievement tuhhh. Hehe.

Yang plg gue tensi, dgn siapa lg kalau bukan aishah. Patutnya dia ni kena disqualified sebab dia x gemuk punnnn, tapi ntah macammana boleh masuk. Haha. Dengki! Dengki sebab dia dh 3 times menang weekly. Gue baru 2 kali. And the paling x best is aishah adalah bakal pemenang ptg td. Damn! Hahaha. Kali ke empat! FYI, weekly winner dapat rm50. hoho. Kira oklah tu, boleh cover lunch seminggu.

Ok, my next step to achieve my mission "biggest loser winner wannabe", I'm gonna perform Puasa 6 starting tomorrow. Yeah, let's do it! Jom!

Nahh, ni the most famous Tips untuk kurangkan berat badan dgn cara sihat and without exercise:

i. Kurangkan pengambilan karbohidrat;
ii. Kurangkan makanan berminyak;
iii. Kurangkan gula (avoid carbonated drinks);
iv. Kurangkan garam (makanan yg masin2)

But to stay healthy, exercise is very important.

P/s: need to jogging! 10km Siemens run is approaching!

Standard chartered KL Marathon was my 1st attempt for 10km. Exhausted but happy! *actually it was 10.6km* haha. I still remember I was very happy when I saw sign board 10km but tertipu, rupanya ada another 600m. Terus ku jerit "mintak nyawa!" Haha.


Monday, 11.28PM (need to adjust my blog's time setting)

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Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Rumah Terbuka vs Puasa Enam

Korang dah start puasa enam? Congrats to those who has completed today, 7 Syawal. Esok boleh raya uols! First batch of puasa 6! Memang tabik spring! Meaning that dorang ni start puasa 6 raya kedua haritu. Bagi aku itu memerlukan kecekalan dan ketahanan mental tahap tertinggi. Sebabnya waktu tu most of us sedang menghayati menu menu raya dgn penuh nikmat. Kitorang kat kampung layan nasi beriani! =)

To those yang dah halfway thru or just started, I wish all of you all the best, be strong, jangan terpedaya dengan rumah-rumah terbuka mahupun kenduri-kenduri kahwin. Don't be like me yang terpedaya dengan Nasir Lemak Paru kt belakang officeku (mmg terbaek I tell u!). That was the first thing I'm looking forward on my first working day after raya leave. Tapi sedih, paru abis, masa tu dan dan perasaan menyesal x puasa datang.. Ecehhh. Lunch plak jgn cakapla, dah siap ada list mana nak lunch... Hishhh. Itu semuanya nafsu. No matter what, I will try my best to do puasa enam, boleh cover puasa ganti sekali. Actually it's better for us to puasa 6 berturut-turut, tapi to me lebih baik puasa even x berturut-turut. At least we do it.

By the way, kita still boleh pi wedding even though we are fasting. It's good to celebrate and witness their happiness. Haritu dengar Prof. Izi Hj Yahya kt hotfm.

And to those yang banyak jemputan rumah terbuka we can still plan ahead bila nak puasa. When there's a will, there's a way!

Menu berbuka puasa or rumah terbuka nih? ;P

Selamat berpuasa dan selamat menjamu selera di rumah terbuka!


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Monday, 5 September 2011

Duit raya

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 ........... 100, 110,....... 140, 141, 142

Me (aunty Lang @ alang): Aliff buat apa tu?
Aliff: Kira duit rayaaaa.

Me: Aliff nak beli PSP kan.
Aliff: taklah, nak beli Ipad2 macam alang.

Me: woooooo. Dah xnak PSP.
Aliff: berapa harga Ipad2 alang?

Me: dua ribu lebih...
Aliff: ................... (speechless)

Hahahaha. it's sokayy aliff, u still have three more weekends to go!

Duit raya Aliff

Ammar nak beli iPhone ^__^

Hahaha, aku pun blom kasi depa duit raya sebab depa raya kat kedah kampung my SIL.


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Sunday, 4 September 2011

Mabuk jemm

Haha. Due to hectic traffic on the way to Kuala Terengganu, me and the sisters sudah terkena mabuk cambojemm (camwhore, boring, jammed)!. Syndrome ini tidak terlalu merbahaya dan memudaratkan pengguna jalan raya yg lain.



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Salam Aidilfitri

6th Syawal. Bertambah 6kg?! Hope not! Hehehe.. Salam Aidilfitri to all! Semuanya masih bergaya walaupun cuaca sangat panas masa 1st raya haritu.

This year like tahun-tahun sebelumnya, kitorg raya in Terengganu. No fighting or take turn policy as both of my parents are from kampung next to each other. :D

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"Anggun si dara jelita, berselendang dan ber'baya,
Sepadan dgn pemuda tampan dan segak orangnya,
Di pagi hari mulia kunjungi sanak saudara,
Yang tua tidak dilupa ampun dan maaf dipinta"

Tulus ikhlas,